Welcome to Dynamics, a database and blog celebrating female & non binary artists in bass music
Create a platform that nurtures representation for women in the industry as one small part of a broader social conversation
It is no secret that the bass music industry, wider music scene and society in general are primarily male-dominated arenas. Until this changes, the spotlight must be shifted. We recognise that discourse surrounding gender imbalance is in constant flux, and hope that this database is a temporary solution until the narrative moves forwards.

What began as a conversation between friends attempting to recall as many female bass music producers as possible soon led to an idea. Enada’s casual discussion led to the creation of a spreadsheet, which became a database, and now Dynamics.
There are a number of initiatives that champion female artists in drum & bass but less so for the dubstep and wider bass music scenes, so Dynamics aims to collate talent from across these worlds and present it all in one place.
Equity now, equality tomorrow.
Right now, the issue surrounding female representation needs our attention. Hopefully in future it won’t.
We want women to be recognised for their work and talent in a world typically dominated by men.
Both with each other and ourselves about the reality of the issue. We cannot ignore it any longer.
Community is stronger than the sum of its parts. We are in this together.
As long as we keep discovering female talent, Dynamics will grow to represent the ever-increasing number of women becoming involved in bass music.
Keeping an open-mind.
We value empathic thinking and recognise that other people may have different opinions to us. We realise that not everyone will agree with our approach, but we believe that the first few steps to address an issue like this are inevitably going to feel awkward. We need to work together to understand each other’s perspectives if we are to move forwards.
This website has been intended to create as full a picture as possible of those who identify as female/non-binary in the Drum and Bass and 140 music scenes. Whilst every effort has been made to include those who meet these criteria (from established names to up-and-coming profiles), due to reasons beyond our control, we have not been able to create a completely comprehensive representation of all of the artists involved.
We are reliant on artists granting us their permission to be on the site and to send us the necessary materials to create their profiles. If there appears to be some artists missing, it may be that they have either chosen not to appear on the site or have not yet provided us with the requisite materials. This is still a work in progress, and we will be continually adding new profiles to the site where permission is granted.
To appear on the site, please fill in the the join the database form. To provide feedback, update your listing, or for general enqueries, please use the contact form or email us at dynamicsmusicuk@gmail.com, where we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.