Delft, Netherlands
Operator21 started her drum & bass DJ career in Leiden (NL), where she learned mixing at her student society. As an electronic music lover she experimented with various styles, but stuck with drum and bass. Later she joined Leiden’s longest running drum and bass crew Champion Sound from 2010 to 2014 as a resident DJ. She is currently based in Delft, where in the past years she remained active creating mixes, often playing at gigs in her new hometown, and streaming every now and then. Besides having performed frequently in Delft and Leiden, Operator21 also took the stage at various parties throughout the country, ranging from small local ones to larger parties or even drum and bass festivals like Blackout or High Tea Festeaval.
Operator21’s DJ career remains in motion. As of 2022, Operator21 and six other DJ’s have co-founded the Netherlands’ newest and only active female DJ collective FLUX/X, which is currently building a name within the Dutch drum and bass scene.
What can you expect of Operator21? She’s a very versatile person! Not only because of her pink hair and predominantly goth-style black clothing, but also because she plays a miscellany of drum and bass. Expect sets with either flowing and soulful liquid, or with murky deep tunes, or harsh rollers and techy neuro. As long as it’s drum and bass with interesting atmospheres!