Shelli B
England, United Kingdom
Shelli B is a Drum and Bass DJ based in Essex. With influences from the jungle era Shelli’s style is dark and rolling bringing the energy when the crowd demands it.
Shelli has a regular slot on legal radio station Funky SX which is online and FM radio 103.7. Each and every Thursday Shelli represents Drum and Bass on the multi genre underground music station playing a full 360 range of Drum and Bass music, but also features special guests and interviews. Shelli’s recent interviews include Born on Road co-owner DJ Aries, Conrad Subs, Dread Recordings signed E-Lisa and more, her interviews can be viewed on you tube channel ‘Shelli B – All Tings Drum and Bass’.
Throughout the 2020/21 lockdown period Shelli took full advantage of studio sessions featuring on Goat Shed, Rough Tempo and the Worldwide Drum and Bass Show.
Shelli also helped set up the new Essex based studio; The Buckle Bunker.
The Buckle Bunker has hosted various Drum and Bass streaming events and parties including SkankOut, Cyndicut radio and ZoomDance.
The ‘lockdown’ didn’t stop Shelli playing out, she has been lucky enough to represent her Phase Records family and DJ at Costa Del Tottenham’s The Cause night club in London throughout, at socially distanced events.
2021 is looking exciting for Shelli with DJ bookings throughout Essex, London and Bristol with the highlight being the New World Festival being held Hylands park Chelmsford this coming August!